Categories Cisco Products

Operation Planning Industrial Costing

From Efikton

Operation Planning Industrial Costing

There is a lot of information today inside the Companies.


Information provided from many system (with backbone the ERP) allows the departments to run the daily normal operations. But when we arrive in the Top Management level where the decisions are taken, we see that the information to serve the tasks of the Top Management is very limited. For example, the financial statements of the Company are generated every 3 months. This can be acceptable in stable economy times. But in AN unstable, very floating environment where sale prices, quantities, raw materials vary a lot inside an economic period and the profit margins fall under the global competition, it is necessary to improve the information and the understanding of the company in the Top Management level, so to serve the purpose of better understanding, the decision making, fast reaction to the problems and closer control. When the Management can only receive financial results once in a trimester or can’t identify the causes which provoke the problems or to understand quickly what advantages will provide the possible available solutions, then all this cycle is problematic, because the delay in understanding and reaction to resolve the problem is too long for today’s economic situation.


The problem becomes greater when a company produces and sells many different products with different margins, raw material values, and elaboration costs as is the case for the manufacturing industries.


Companies to survive and prosper in the next decade will need to prepare the information framework for the Top Management. This information framework must be designed for the Top Management, to facilitate the understanding of the company, the control, the decision making and the communication with the rest of the company.


Nexoft is offering the consulting and the IT-Solutions to the Top Management to succeed in their today mission.

Nexoft is offering a series of control models and solutions which will radically improve the way that the Top Management understands the Company, its dynamic and possibilities, its resilience to problems, the reasons of the actual results, the weak and the strong points and the real product costs. In this way they will be taking more realistic decisions and they will be able to react faster in the changes.


Here are some of the possibilities which will be able to use and exploit, to improve the decision-making process:

To get the financial statements and the profit and loss of each business unit and for the whole company weekly or monthly and not every three months as it is today.

To understand the reasons of the financial results which are not possible to be understood from the normal financial statements

To understand the real cost of the products without assumptions and simplification averages. The understanding of the exact cost of a product is very critical in the manufacturing industries because determine the sales policies, the development of new products and the strategy against competition

To be able to plan the operations of the Company (Purchases, Production, Human Resources, Sales, Machine usage, Expenses, etc.) and to see the result which are generated from the operations. Today the planning of the Company usually is understood as a copy of the financial expenses of a previous year with some simple modifications which are not reflecting the actual reality of the company.

To be able to understand the Budgeted Cost of each product and the exact components of the cost. This is done in relation with the Operation Plan from the point 4.

To understand the resilience and the results of the Company if various parameters (raw material price, sales price or quantity, production, productivity, expenses) will change.

7. To understand the strong and the weak points of the company. Also, the cost or the benefit of such strong or weak points. This will make easier for decisions and corrective actions in the structure of the Company but also in the decision for investments, because will be clear the operating advantages of such investments.

To run various what-if scenarios so to understand how the company will behave under certain structure or conditions.

Categories Cisco Products

Efikton Quality Management

From Efikton

Efikton Quality Management

Modern companies need more and more an innovative approach for quality management. 

The constantly increasing volume and complexity of manufacturing, the need of rapid change with the minimum possible cost, the geographical expansion of activities, the increasing competition as well as the increasing customer demands and authorities, make quality management compulsory and simultaneously more complex.

Nexoft offers a total quality approach with Efikton® Quality Management Service Oriented Architecture solution.

Efikton® Quality Management solution offers:

1) Internal Quality

2) Customer & Supplier Quality

3) Activity Planning & Execution

4) Quality Performance

5) Problems, Claims & Complaints


Benefits of Efikton Quality Management:

Continuous Improvement for the Organization

Reduction of the bureaucracy concerning quality

Reduction of the “Quality Cost”

Transparent and on-line information at all levels of the company.

Simplification, atomization and acceleration of quality processes

Collaborative improvement of product and process quality

Better collaboration between the departments of the company and partners

Service Oriented Architecture and codeless implementation for easy adaptation and a long life cycle

Improvement of customer satisfaction

Categories Cisco Products

Efikton Innovation Management

From Efikton


Innovation is of vital importance for the survival and grow of European Companies in the today global and competitive world and it is obvious that European companies need to close the “innovation performance gap”.

Innovation is the process of identifying unmet needs and fulfilling them with new products, services and procedures. This effort leads to a new style of organization, with great competitive advantages.

Despite the obvious need for innovation, companies find it difficult to organize and manage this complicated process, which involves all company’s departments but also Customers, Suppliers and other Partners.

Efikton® Innovation Management is here to make it easy.

Efikton® Innovation Management offers a complete Collaborative Innovation Management framework, which supports the implementation of all Innovation Steps.

Designed after 4 years of research and development within the AVALON Project (one of the major European Projects in the Innovation Management of a network of companies) and based on the open Efikton® SOA-B3 Platform, Efikton® Innovation Management offers unique features and benefits.

Innovation execution – All the activities of the innovation process from evaluation methods up to prototyping and rollout are managed in a unified collaborative manner. Innovation Execution incorporates three major groups of activities:



Innovation Evaluation Methods & Decision Assistance

PCM (Pair Comparison Matrix)
FMEA (Failure mode and effects analysis)
Collaborative QFD (Quality function deployment)
Pugh Matrix (Concept selection method)
AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process)
PPA (Product Potential analysis).

Planning & Scheduling of innovation activities

Human Activities
Supply Chain

Control of activities

Time Management
Quality Problems

Features of Efikton Innovation management

Idea Repository – the base of collaborative communication, where information, ideas, problems and claims are declared and discussed

Agreements declared through the idea management process are maintained and always accessible to all the participants. Agreements could be:

1) Memorandum of understanding

2) Letter of Intend

3) Contract

4) Milestones

5) Expected Results

6) Intellectual Properties

Categories Cisco Products

Efikton Early warning system

From Efikton

Efikton Platform

Nexoft has introduced a new generation of IT-Solution and consultancy methodologies, called Early Warning Management (EWM).

The objective of the EWM, is by examining a very big number of parameters to alert the Managers that something (like Sales) which up to now seems normal (normality) has entered in a deterioration path, or something which is in bad condition (decline) has entered an improvement path and to follow the trajectory of this path. The first important set of this methodology is the Sales of any organization. In summary EWM is able to:

When in normality:

Detect incoming threats which can cause sales to decline, or create problems with the customers.

Detect incoming opportunities, which, if properly exploited, can lead to better sales outcome, improved relations with the customers and great competitive advantage.

When in decline:

Detect conditions which can prove that the policies which have been adopted could lead to improvements of sales.
Detect that is getting out of the decline or crisis period.

In all situations:

Establish a unique control point for all information, and procedures, transparent to the management, which will allow a better organization of the Sales and Marketing.



Sales are one of the most important and complex processes for the survival and prosperity of an organization. For an Organization, sales decline is among the most serious threats, not mentioning sales plundering, becoming the worst nightmare. Sales are the most exposed part of an organization in today’s reality. Sales have some unique characteristics, which are completely different from any other operation (which have some kind of stability).

1) It is dispersed in greater geographical area among different environments and cultures.

2) In reality each customer is a unique variable in continuous change.

3) It is a multilevel operation, with each level having very different tasks but all are interconnected (back-office, salespeople, marketing, representatives, agents, transport etc.).

4) Sales are influenced by the daily operations of other operations (production, planning, quality, financial).

5) Sales influence the organization more than any other operation.


Today we are not in days of normality. Today we experience working and living in a volatile, global and highly competitive environment, where the normal rules of the past are not valid anymore. In present times, every company encounters fast moving, complex interactions with the external and/or the internal environment, which in turn stress and cause continuous performance variations.


As a result, the Sales operation is very difficult to be controlled and balanced.


Some of these variations are averaged in time and actually do not cause any harm. Nevertheless, there are certain changes which are accumulated underneath, taking momentum, generating other events and finally, after a certain incubation period, reach a point where the organization is under serious threat.


Such a negative result cannot happen all of a sudden. There are several causes for this. As aforementioned, during the incubation period certain factors have been unnoticed or someone detected them, but no action has been taken. Sales are brought down by the accumulative result of many factors not properly identified and treated. Under this sense, sales drop is not the primary cause but undoubtedly the mere effect of other factors.


This situation becomes more complex in the modern manufacturing organizations which manage many Business Units, each one oriented to different market sectors with many different product families, each one presenting different dynamics.


The present volatile environment doesn’t only contain threats. Several windows of opportunities may appear, but they must be detected and explored for the exact same reasons to the threats.


Nexoft has developed a new generation of IT-Solution and consultancy methodologies which is called Early Warning Management (EWM). Now managers are allowed to detect incoming threats which will result in sales decline, detect opportunities which ought to be explored in order to increase sales, support the decision-making process, support the platform for action and provide a common repository of all the information related to sales and the customers, transparent for the management. It is a new generation of IT-Solution which uses Logic, Rules and Intelligence to scan all the available information. Incoming threats and opportunities are identified. Implementation of such a system, will offer to the Top Management as well as to the sales department and other related departments (quality, production, purchasing, financial) a very high level of knowledge, understanding and control of sales related operations. Competitiveness of the whole organization in the market is then increased.




1) We define a threat as a situation caused from a series of events which – when materialized – will stress the organization Values and its progress. Threats are contra-survival

2) We define an opportunity as a situation caused from a series of events which – when materialized and exploited – will benefit the organization Values and its progress. Opportunities are pro-survival

3) A threat or an opportunity is composed from the state of many individual factors

4) Each factor is composed from a finite number of parameters

One of the worst threats of any organization is the drop in sales (quantitatively or profit-margin wise). Decrease in sales will also influence other important Values of the company.


Today, when an organization observes a decline in Sales, it means that the threat has already been materialized. But this did not happen in a moment; it took time.


The threat is an effect (result) of many underlined causes which have passed undetected or untreated. At some point in time, they reach a momentum and so the threat becomes evident by the normal control tools (standard reports). In other words, a threat has certain dynamics as time progresses, until is visible from the decision levels (Management) of an organization. During this process, it leaves a lot of “footprints”. If these “footprints” are not detected or no corrective actions are taken by the organization the threat is materialized and then is transformed to danger. At that point, the organization is facing a crisis. The organization is stressed and will need a considerable amount of time and effort to remediate this situation, not mentioning that and there is a high probability,that in the end of this cycle, the organization will be harmed.


In the following diagram, a common profile of an incoming threat is presented.


Any incoming threat has its own dynamic (energy of threat) which starts from small events – most likely to pass unnoticed – but over time accumulates momentum. In the diagram this is the period between the (t0) until (t1) and is called Incubation period.


At a certain moment (t1) the threat is detected inside the organization, but not from the Management. This is because some people within the organization are closer to the real events; they have the knowledge and the expertise to realize the meaning of the events. Analyzing a major crisis in an organization has proved that some people inside knew or felt what was coming. It is the inherent difficulty to present such a threatening situation with sound arguments, proving that there is an issue that immediately needs the company’s attention.


As the energy of the threat becomes greater, it is finally detected from the Management (t2). But even then, at point (t2), an action cannot be taken until the moment (t4). The reason of this delay is the required time for a danger assessment plus the time needed to find and decide the actions to follow. The actual magnitude of this delay depends on the preparedness and responsiveness of the organization. From that moment on, the organization faces a crisis.


As time progresses the threat may continue to grow and it is highly probable to act as a trigger to other problems affecting different sections inside the organization. In other words, there is a chain reaction situation, where a threat (effect) will become the origin (cause) of another threat. It is obvious that in this case the situation is more difficult to manage.


An example of a chain reaction is a situation where the company’s sales are falling. As a result, the profits of the company will fall, so will the value of its stock. Furthermore, this could lead to problems in the company’s relations with the banks, several rumors in the market, changes in terms of the suppliers and internal conflicts. This is due to the fact that important aspects involved in organization operations (Organization Values) are interconnected and interdependent.


Looking at the diagram, other important lines in the Threat Dynamics graph are the Available Energy (green line) the company spends in order to solve the problem and the Necessary Energy (orange line) to annihilate a threat. During incubation period, the Available Energy of the organization is high, whereas the Necessary Energy to solve a threat is relatively small. In other words, if small efforts are put in, the danger can be eliminated. This is not the case when danger accumulates momentum from (t1→) and onwards. As time progresses, the Energy of the Threat (purple line) is increasing, while the Necessary Energy is also increasing. So, in order to confront the threat, the company should consume a bigger part of its Available Energy.


The financial damages can start at any moment (t3). From the moment that an organization will start having financial bleeding due to a threat, the threat has an impact on the organization. So, the (t3) point is called impact moment. The losses indicated in the diagram, are the primary financial loses which can be measured by the organization. In reality, except these loses there are other secondary ones which will appear later in time, as well as collateral damages in intangible assets like loss of reputation, loss of important personnel, conflicts in various levels etc. The list is long and none of these can be presented in conventional financial forms.


The circle in the graph represents a crisis situation where the environment is very complex and strongly non-linear. This implies that crises are difficult to manage, and the time required to be resolved it is usually too long. During this time, the organization, which is severely stressed and damaged, might enter a decline period and finally risk its survival.


Under this notion, it is much better and obviously more important to spend time in detecting and annihilating possible threats before they form a serious peril. The energy, then, needed to correct is always smaller than the one required when they have acquired momentum and magnitude.

This principle is an important point, the managers in an organization must understand.




The methods, procedures and functionalities that allow the detection during the incubation period and the neutralization of incoming threats are called Early Warnings Management (EWM) and constitute an enormous knowledge extension for the organization.


To be able to implement an Early Warnings Management methodology the following prerequisites are necessary:


1) Focus attention to certain factors or certain changes

2) Detect incubation of threats at the earliest time possible

3) Communicate fast to the Decision Levels

4) Assess the qualitative and the quantitative characteristics of the threat

5) Understand the available resources and the resilience of the organization

6) Be Prepared to manage such cases and be able to act fast


Such an implementation methodology can be done only in a new IT manner, as the available conventional systems are not capable of providing this methodology and functionality.


But it is not only an issue of information systems capabilities. It is absolutely crucial that the organization needs to be trained, to think and act in a different manner. It needs to be able to identify and distinguish certain important factors, which normally will have passed unnoticed or with no reaction. This increased consciousness will lead to a better understanding of the reality and develop a new participation and communication mode. In a few words, a completely new culture will emerge, providing the organization with the greatest competitive advantage.


Nexoft has clearly realized these necessities and has developed a series of Consultancy methodologies and IT-Tools, in order to provide the organizations with these advanced functionalities.


The detection of a threat is done with two methods:


  1. An incoming threat in the phase of incubation is recognized by the “footprints” it is leaving. These footprints are separated in two categories. The symptoms, meaning negative changes which are happening in some operation factors and the organization can detect and measure by itself, and the signs, meaning again negative changes which are not detectable from within the organization but from the external environment (customers, suppliers, collaborators etc.)


  1. For threat factors which cannot be detected explicitly, we use the Deviation from the Normal Scene (DNS). The Deviation from Normal Scene is a very powerful multipurpose tool which allows the management to define what they consider as Normal Operation of the organization (a very important concept by itself) and to follow up deviations from this normality. This method does not have the prevention capability of the first method, because it cannot look to the primary causes of the problem. Instead, it detects the problem at a later stage, where the company has started to be affected by the threat. Due to the fact that such controls of normality can be done frequently, they are included in the Early Warnings Management methodology. DNS is the most suitable method to use when the company has already been impacted by a threat (facing a crisis) because it describes, very well, the dynamics of the organization. The reason is that this method is capable of presenting the resilience of the company and at the same time, the damage the company has already suffered. In other words, it is a powerful tool in the decision-making process. The main functionality of this method is explained in the Operational Plan and Industrial Costing Introduction.


Concerning the detection of incoming threats for the sales of an organization, we have determined a number of symptoms and signs which operate as factors to cause a threat materialization and can provoke the fall or collapse of sales.


Some of these factors are summarized in the table 1 shown at the end of this text.


All these factors are analyzed for every Business Unit and every product family for the current period and will be compared to the respective results of previous periods, in order to find an incoming threat. Some of the factors (like lost customers) are explicit event of a threat, while others are detected as threat only by examining the trends from previous periods or the power level of the factor.




EWM is based on Efikton® a modular open platform.


EWM is integrable to the main systems, which already exist inside the organization, for the use of information. In case that any of the above group of information is not available in the organization, EWM can manage the missing information autonomously.


For each BU/Product Family the customer defines the factors and the factors’ parameters which need to be examined. The system is open to define new factors and new parameters.


These parameters are categorized as follows:


1) Original parameters come from the existing data (e.g. Nr of Delivery Orders, Quantity, Value, Nr. of complains, Nr. of Open Claims). The EWM will collect automatically all these parameters’ value for a given period of time.

2) Derivative parameters derived from the Original Parameters (e.g., Average Value/Quantity for sales orders, Quantity of Claims/Quantity Shipped).

3) Trends which show the parameter compared to other time periods (e.g., Trend Month, Moving Averages, etc.).

4) Alarms and alerts for Threats and Opportunities.

The result will be a comprehensive situation showing if there are factors which act in a non-desirable or extraordinary way and need attention. The management of the organization will know where to focus their attention and where to spend the resources for small corrective actions.


The system will support examination or corrective activities for each of these parameters, so the Management will have full control and follow up on these corrective actions.


Also, the system will be very useful in the case that the organization faces a Crisis because of sales (either in a decline or a plundering). With the EWM, it will be able to follow up in close look any improvement or further deterioration related to the initiatives that have been applied. Because before we see an improvement in sales, we have to see improvement in some factors. This will give to the organization an early indication that these initiatives have a positive effect.


The implementation of Early Warnings methodologies and solutions will certainly bring advantages to the whole of the organization structure like:


1) Better understanding the reality

2) Better Participation

3) Better Communication through the Company Levels

4) Better Collaboration between the different departments, since the impact of one department’s activity will be clear

5) Better Preparation and Responsiveness

6) Faster Reaction to the problems and opportunities


All of the above lead towards a new, more competitive thinking


Efikton®-EWM it is not an isolated, stand-alone system, but is actually part of a much broader Management System, offering expertise solution modules in the areas of Production Control, Quality Control, Production Planning, Products Development, CRM, Sales and Inventory Analysis, Innovation Management and Continuous Improvement, Managing Collaboration Processes with Customers and Suppliers, Operational Plan and Industrial Costing.

Categories Cisco Products

Efikton Platform

From Efikton

Efikton Platform

Efikton® is a Platform which helps to develop prototypes and new applications from simple to very complex, to change them fast, to adapt in the user requirements (contextualization in the working position) and to integrate data between different Platforms.

It is developed around the Service Oriented Architecture Pand can be used from big Companies with many levels of hierarchies but also from SME.


Efikton® SOA-B3 Platform allows the execution and distribution of Services and Dynamic Business Applications. Most business applications are too inflexible to keep pace with the businesses they support.

The Dynamic Business Applications emphasize to the close alignment with business processes and work (design for people) and adaptability to business change (build for change).

The technical background for Dynamic Business Applications is SOA and B3:

Business Process Management

Business Rules Management

Business Intelligence


Services developed in Efikton® are complete and rich in functionality. The developer may apply properties to the Services like:

  • Business Intelligence
  • Business Process Management – Workflow
  • Business Rules Management
  • Document Management
  • Web User Interface (man to machine communication)
  • Web Services (machine to machine communication)
  • Collaboration (use by multiple organizations)
  • Advanced multilevel security
  • Distributed data repository

In addition:

Codeless Development – the construction of the services is done without writing software code, allowing fast development by non-programmers, easy learning and long-term lifecycle for the Service

Openness – Services created by Efikton® are open to be modified by the end user, allowing easy adaptability to the particular and changing needs of the company

Scalable Implementation – allowing low-cost investment and fast results.

Services Exchange – services can be transferred from one Efikton platform to another allowing the establishment of Developers’ Communities

Web User Interface – unitary / dynamic / contextualized / engages sense & sensibility

Efikton® is not coming empty to the end user, but it is accompanied with hundreds of already implemented services and applications in the field of Manufacturing Supply Chain: Operational Planning

  • Order Promising
  • Rule Based Forecasting
  • Material Supply & Demand
  • Capacity Planning
  • Master Data Management
  • Production Control
  • Work Order Management
  • Project Management
  • Product Development & Lifecycle Management
  • Quality Management
  • Supply Chain Collaboration
  • Innovation Management


Industrial Resource Planning


Efikton-IRP is the latest generation information system for the MANUFACTURING COMPANIES. Based in 30 years of experience of the Worldwide Manufacturing, was designed in the years 2019-2020 with the aim to help the Manufacturing Companies to deal with the complexities of the present era, the competition, the various Certifications, the specific Requests of the Customer, and the needs for the Top Management for a faster and higher visibility and controllability of their Companies.

The efikton-IRP was designed not to replace the existing ERP inside of the Company but to take all the manufacturing specific functionality differentiating and enriching the physical environment which a Company must operate with the strict account approach.

The efikton-IRP starts with the design of the Production and covers all the operation, planning, quality, costing needs.




In summary the efikton-IRP cover the following basic needs.

Product Data Management.

Full definition of all the raw materials, auxiliary products, final products with all their technical, quality, and commercial specifications.

The BOM and ROUTERS how the products are produced, the machine preferences, setups, speeds of production.

Computes the cost of each product and single operation, combining production data with financial data. Controls the variation of the cost, based on the actual inventories cost and the latest costs in the Market.

Total control of the quantity, quality, and costs of all the inventory.  Management of the Inventories with LOTS which allow precise control of the available material and capability of tracing and tracking each material.

This approach minimizes the errors during operations, make evident any problem, and facilitate the corrections without waiting periodical inventory control.

Controls for the circulation of the materials.

All this development is base in our experience that a Manufacturing Company without precise control of the inventories cannot operate properly.



A very important simplification in the operation of a Manufacturing Company which has to manage many hundreds, or thousands type of materials, is that most of the purchasing orders are generating automatically from the system based on  safety levels, sales forecast and master production data using expert rule based algorithms.

This operation covers the usual problem of the Company to remain without materials and to stop the production or to delay customer orders.



Management of the purchase timing, the planning of the receptions, the control of the materials, the labeling, and the storage of the material.

Management of the supplier’s information, certification, and evaluation for each individual supplier.

Management of the problems and the claims toward the supplier.



Management of the Customer requirement comprising the specification of the products, packaging, labeling, shipment conditions, pricing, and payment mode.

Management of contracts and orders, promising and actual delivery times.

Manage the time to promise based on the Capacity and the availability of Materials.

Management of the picking, loading, quality of shipping goods, transport until the acceptance of goods to the customer.

Management of the profitability for each order.

Management of the problems claims and solutions.



Automatic generation of the production Orders based on customer orders, safety levels.

Control of the planning of the production, quantities produced, human resources, machines, quality control, time on each elaboration stage.

Statistics for the productivity, waste, quality problems, costs, and profitability of the production process.

Control of the labeling, packaging, and storage of the final and intermediate products.



Based on the Production Orders, control of capacity per elaboration stage and single machine.

Individual calendars for each production machine and other operations allowing variable capacity levels for different commercial seasons.

Adaptive Material Requirement Planning base of Sales Forecast and the Real Sales, Safety Levels per Season.

Automatic generation of Purchase Order with Rule Based Algorithms

Supply-Demand analysis to find and plan customer orders which are not planned or cannot be fulfilled in time

Calculation of the possible time to be delivered a product



The quality management of the Company covers not only the Production but all the aspects of the operations from the reception of the materials, production, packaging, storage, internal movements, loading and transportation

For each stage the Quality Parameters are defined, registered and processed, so each individual or recurring problem can be detected.

Quality Management comprise the discussion in the internal of the Company and the Customer/Suppliers to establish the Causes and Remediations.

Manage the activities and the results for the remediation of the problems.



Management of the activities for the improvement of the Company, for the Daily Problems and their solutions in such a way to improve the Collaboration inside the Company



Allows the management of all the documents in a structural way, connected with the reality of the Manufacturing world, with security and access control.

The documents are related with the physical and the logical place where they belong and are not laying in an unstructured file server.

The backup, history of the documents is preserved with the standard backup procedures of the Databases.



The cash flow management module covers one of the most difficult and important sectors of the Manufacturing world.

The cash flow unifies three major sources of cash flow.

  • Allows the definition of the yearly budget of fix costs and other fix expenses of the Company
  • Automatically integrates the bank accounts and the promissory notes
  • Take in consideration the sales, the purchasing and the payments mode agreed. Any time, quantity change, payment agreements of the operations will be automatically integrated

The result is a projection of the Cash Flow needs day by day in various currencies which permit to make clear everyday what has to be paid, received and the cash flow situation.

Problems of cash flow can be detected months before and gives plenty of time for reaction and remedy, so the company will not be surprised in the last moment.

All the problems related to receivable/payables are automatically detected.



Special care has been given to help the Top Management to understand the combined reality of the Company.

Among these are included

  • Cost of Products and Production
  • Profitability of the Production
  • Profitability of the Customer Orders
  • Claims
  • Overall Efficiencies of the Company
  • Problems
  • Improvement initiatives
  • Profitability of the Company
  • Equipment Efficiencies
  • Quality Improvements
  • Evaluation for the Suppliers and the Customers



Efikton-IRP is an ideal companion for the Certification in the Manufacturing World.

Eliminates the necessity to maintain a bureaucratic paper or excel system only for the Certifications due to the fact that most of the required information are in the System generated during the daily and period operations of the Company.

Efikton-IRP comprises the most severe standards regarding the TRACEBILITY due to the fact that all the operations of the Company are systematic interconnected from the Material to the Customer either forward or backward (tracking and tracing)


Integration with the ERP

Efikton-ERP is designed to collaborate with the Companies ERP taking care of all the Manufacturing specific Task and passing the necessary data so can complete its operations.

Efikton is designed in such a way that can inherit all the Data of the ERP without the need for data transfer or connectors and can pass all the necessary data to the palaces where ERP can interpret and process further.

This is a revolutionary approach in the Manufacturing world which eliminates of the complications of the transfer and management of duplicated data. So at the end the two systems will work as an ONE SYSTEM

In this way the ERP functionality becomes simpler without the need for complex customization, or the use of companywide excels -with all the known problems – to manage functionality or data which are not covered from the ERP.



The base of the efikton-IRP is not a close compiled system, but it is based on the Open Platform efikton.

All the Applications are not closed compiled application but are open models and rules which allow the system easily adaptable to future needs or very strict specifications of the customer.

Customers who have a minimum system knowledge can learn to adapt and expand the system without limitations.