CISCO Umbrella Insights

from Cisco

Enterprise Threat Protection Like No Other

Defend against internet threats, no matter where the users are, and stop them before they enter your network or terminals.

Your data can be safe and secured against all kinds of digital threats, such as malware, ransomware etc., as long as you use a modern security policy and cutting-edge “smart” tools like Cisco Umbrella. Cisco Umbrella is the first safe DNS provider, that can provide the first line of defense against virtual threats. Securing your DNS and IP, Cisco Umbrella blocks connection requests from malicious sources, before establishing a connection, stopping the threats before they can get into your company’s network and your workstation.

Mitigate remediation costs and breach damage

Because Cisco Umbrella is the first line of defense, security teams will have
fewer malware infections to remediate and threats will be
stopped before they cause damage.

Reduce the time to detect and contain threats

Cisco Umbrella contains command & control callbacks over any
port or protocol and provides real-time reports on that activity.

Increase visibility into internet activity across all locations and users

Cisco Umbrella provides crucial visibility for incident response and also gives you confidence that you’re seeing everything.

Identify cloud apps used across the business

Cisco Umbrella provides visibility into sanctioned and unsanctioned cloud services
in use across the enterprise, so you can uncover new services being used, see who is using them, and identify potential risk.