Cloud Infrastructure

If you want to increase the availability and improve the productivity of your company while also reducing the complexity and managing the costs, a cloud environment is probably the best solution for you. The solutions we offer range from private, to public applications that help you kickstart your business processes and migrate your systems, while providing a high standard of automation and security.


Major public cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, offer services based on shared, multi-tenant servers. This model requires massive compute capacity to handle unpredictable changes in user demand and to optimally balance demand across fewer servers. As a result, cloud infrastructure typically consists of high-density systems with shared power; often, these are multisocket and multicore servers.


Additionally, unlike most traditional data center infrastructures, cloud infrastructure typically uses locally attached storage — both solid-state drives (SSDs) and hard disk drives (HDDs) — instead of shared disk arrays on a storage area network. These persistent storage systems are aggregated using a distributed file system (DFS) designed for a particular storage scenario, such as object, big data or block. Decoupling the storage control and management from the physical infrastructure via a distributed file system simplifies scaling. It also helps cloud providers match capacity to users’ workloads by incrementally adding compute nodes with the requisite number and type of local disks, rather than in large amounts via a large storage chassis.


Cloud computing depends upon high-bandwidth connectivity to transmit data, so cloud infrastructure also includes typical equipment for local area networks, such as switches and routers, as well as virtual networking support and load balancing to distribute network traffic.